Oreo Milkshakes Recipe

A rich and creamy Oreo milkshake that’s perfect for a sweet treat or dessert. Quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients, this milkshake is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.


  • 10 Oreo cookies
  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup milk (whole milk for a creamier texture)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Whipped cream (for topping)
  • Extra Oreo cookies (for garnish)


  1. Prepare the Ingredients:
  • Roughly chop the Oreo cookies. This will help them blend more easily.
  1. Blend the Ingredients:
  • In a blender, combine the chopped Oreo cookies, vanilla ice cream, milk, and vanilla extract (if using). Blend until smooth and well combined. If you prefer a thicker milkshake, use less milk; for a thinner consistency, add more milk.
  1. Serve:
  • Pour the milkshake into tall glasses.
  1. Garnish:
  • Top each milkshake with a generous amount of whipped cream.
  • Garnish with an extra Oreo cookie on top or crushed Oreo crumbs for an added touch.
  1. Enjoy:
  • Serve immediately with a straw and a spoon, and enjoy your delicious Oreo milkshake!


  • For a more intense Oreo flavor, add a few extra Oreo cookies.
  • If you want a chunkier texture, blend the milkshake for a shorter period to leave some Oreo pieces intact.
  • You can substitute vanilla ice cream with chocolate ice cream for a chocolatey twist.

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